Missing Activities tab in Social Pane in CRM 2013

Very nice post from Nishant

Nishant Rana's Weblog


Was working on a task wherein we had to add Social Pane to a form of a custom entity. We enabled the Notes for the entity (Activities was already enabled).

However after adding it to the form it was only showing only Notes tab.

The solution we found was to export the entity and change the following value to 1 for the particular form.

Saving and importing back the solution fixed the issue.

The helpful post


Hope it helps..

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{Useful to Know} Using HTML 5 session storage feature in Dynamics CRM web resources

This is interesting post on HTML 5 storage from my old colleague and Friend Debajit

Debajit's Dynamic CRM Blog

Looking at the title of the topic, you must be wondering, is it something really related to Dynamics CRM. Well I would say a big Yes. Because it is an excellent HTML 5 feature and we develop HTML 5 webresources in our day-day activities. Being a dynamics crm consultant we sometimes tend to miss out on some cool stuffs outside our CRM universe. For those who have missed out this one, I bet you would love it.

Many a times when we open a HTML webresource on the click of a ribbon button or some element click on the CRM entity form, we tend to pass parameters to the webresource. And sometimes we need to persist the value of the parameter in the webresource even if the webresource is refreshed.

Well you can use the cool HTML 5 feature of sessionStorage.

The sessionStorage persists as long as the browser window…

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